Place each word in As the city grew in the 1850s and 1860s, so did the reach of Tweed and the Tammany Ring. Political machines were entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities. A) Federal court decisions that made labor union strikes illegal. Direct link to houlihanisabelle's post It took a lot of energy, , Posted 2 years ago. Which of the two was represented by Abraham Lincoln in the election of 1860? C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas. Political machines often brought modern services to the city, including a crude form of welfare for urban newcomers. In the years after the Civil War, the Republican Party dominated the office of the presidency. At the peak of the hyperinflation, prices rose 30,000%30,000 \%30,000% per month. A) The adoption of beliefs of Social Darwinism helped justify inequalities of wealth. The transportation development described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on agriculture in the United States? Led by Susan B. Anthony until 1900, then by Carrie Chapman Catt. Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan delivered his rousing Cross of Gold speech, which called for free silver, in 1896. D) Government subsidies facilitated the construction of transportation and communication networks. The following article appeared in the Wall Street Journal. A) Chief Joseph supported the reservation system for Native Americans, while Commissioner Parker condemned reservations. A) Populists living in rural areas learned about urban and international life through the telegraph and newspapers. A political machine is a. Boss William Marcy Tweed stamped the Society indelibly with the taint of urban boss corruption. Originally known as the, , the group modelled itself after a similar association organized in Philadelphia in 1772 whose stated purpose was to promote pure Americanism., , a Lenni-Lenape Chief who had negotiated in the 1600s with William Penn in an effort to achieve peaceful coexistence with the Quaker colonists. C) Chief Joseph sought additional support for agriculture on reservations, while Commissioner Parker called for industrialization on reservations. Ignored low wages and dangerous working conditions Novelist who wrote in a naturalistic style. Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959 / "Prairie Style", He was the most famous student of Louis Sullivan and was considered America's greatest architect. In contrast, Tammany members saw themselves as the bastion of Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican principles. Famous for his novel Washington Square and his short story "The Turn of the Screw. The Democratic Party opposed the tariff and eventually adopted the free silver platform. Addams' point of view expressed in the excerpt supports which of the following historical arguments? Roosevelts national relief programs were more effective than Tammany charities. Answer: B) Increased demand for resources and markets for goods, A) Increased need for laborers on railroad-building projects Influenced Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act, First generation of reformers to attempt reliving poverty Political machine. WebAfter completing the analysis questions, students will be well-versed in Gilded Age political corruption, the role of political machines, and positive reactions to immigrants (all APUSH Period 6 objectives). When did the Progressive Era begin and when did it end? Economically, the party supported a strong protective tariff to shield American industry from foreign competition, and a hard money policy that tied the dollar to the gold standard. The machines power base began to collapse. Direct link to Bennett's post Winner-takes-all systems , Posted 5 months ago. Which of the two were factory owners most like to support? The Chicago utilitys bonds, rated double-A by Moodys and double-A-minus by Standard & Poors, originally had been priced at 99.803, to yield 9.3% in 5 years. Direct link to 133035's post it didnt, Posted 2 years ago. The once invincible Tammany Hall machine had disappeared completely from the political scene by the late 1960s. Paper Samples; Flashcards and Q&A; political machines. $$ He was arrested on charges of financial corruption and died in a city jail in 1872. However, more accountable and honest democratic processes were instituted later in the Progressive Era, such as reforms of initiative, referendum, and What are some examples of political machines? It also overlapped the Era of Reconstruction. Public school enrollment grew, Muckraker, wrote The Jungle C) Immigrants frequently relied on settlement houses to help them adjust to their new surroundings. High school APUSH teacher with much in-class and online teaching experience. A political machine was an urban organization designed to win elections and reward its followers, both rich and poor. Answer: B) Populist speakers often used religious examples and metaphors to make moral arguments for their policies. Which of the following was true of the Dawes act of 1887? Function. Did Pete experience a Stole millions from taxpayers using fraud and overinflation Writer who introduced grim realism to the American novel. Direct link to andrewk22's post What was the issue with G, Posted a month ago. Answer: D) Social reformers explored connections between different social problems. The first state to adopt the initiative was South Dakota in 1898. A) They came to believe that they had a moral obligation to help improve society to address the needs of the working and middle classes. He organized political clubs throughout the city, involved women and children in family activities, and took on a patina of respectability. | $2.4$ | No | drink, 10 percent on transportation, and the rest on clothing. D) New public spaces were designed to enhance urban environments. It is an attempt to narrow an election by swaying the direction of a vote, Granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support, Illegal use of political influence for personal gain, Return of money in exchange for a business, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats, A group of people in New York City who worked with and for Burly "Boss" Tweed. Today, turnout rates hover around a dismal 50 percent. What was the political machine in New York in the 1800s? Appealed directly to congress to pressure the government for a women's suffrage amendment. The book shocked Americans with its stark depiction of poverty. **Oil production. Required: Calculate the before-tax LIFO liquidation profit or loss that the company would report in a disclosure note, assuming the amount determined is material. the morrill land grant act did which of the following? This established a repetitive cycle of relatively weak presidents who owed many political favors that could be repaid through one prerogative power: patronage. Answer: D). In political terminology, the initiative is a process that enables citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing proposed statutes and, in some states, constitutional amendments on the ballot. A. angry B. disapproving C. objective D. playful. Direct link to alayna calvillo's post what was the relationship, Posted 2 years ago. Locate the dioxide levels associated with water specimens that contain oil. Tenements were known for their severe overcrowding and lack of ventilation and plumbing. In the late 19th century, large cities in the United StatesBoston, Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City, New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louiswere accused of using political machines. In the space provided, write the letter of the choice that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the Urban political machines served as a social service agency for city dwellers, providing jobs, lending help, and interceding against the city bureaucracy. The citys millionaire business class mounted a brief challenge to Tammany control in the 1890s, opening investigations into police corruption and funding political candidates, but as the century ended, Tammany politicians and organizers remained powerful and prosperous. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. D) Populists formed a national political organization out of numerous local farmer and labor groups. Middle-class Americans supported this group because it had a more subtle approach rather than outright quotas or a ban on all immigration. WebThe Peoples Party, commonly called the Populists, emerged as a major force in national politics in the 1890s. Whats one reason why voters turned out in record numbers during the Gilded Age? B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations. A political machine is a group in which an authoritative leader (aka a boss) commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive patronage as a reward for their efforts. (Hint: The contribution of each item to the CPI is A) New scientific theories of race emerged to justify segregation. William Tweed, head of Tammany Hall, NYC's powerful democratic political machine in 1868. A) The idea of the Social Gospel inspired the development of many new reform movements. 20: The Progressives (1867-1901), Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene. These policies benefited banks and business owners. Who was the leader of the political machine? B) They experienced a growth of access to leisure time. Direct link to Nashalee Martinez's post What are the differences , What was the issue with Gold and Silver money in the Gilded Age? Why was it an issue and what. political entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities. Newspaper reporter and photographer who wrote How the Other Half Lives to show Americans how the poor lived in tenements. In northern cities, the Democratic Party was particularly adept at operating political machines, organizations in which party bosses distributed food and jobs to immigrants and the poor in exchange for their votes. | $4.0$ | No |. Which of the following can be inferred about the popular business practices of the late 1800s referenced in Gould's testimony? A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources. He eventually attracted the censure of reform-minded journalists and disgruntled competitors and was finally toppled by the joint efforts of the New York Times, State Attorney General Samuel Tilden, and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. B) Warfare in Europe was a primary reason for immigration to the United States. He led a Tammany-packed Board of Alderman that came to be known as the Forty Thieves, appointing police officers, licensing saloons, and running the city court systems. The role of new technology in economic change in the late 1800s was most similar to the role of technology in which of the following earlier situations? What are the differences between political parties of the Gilded Age . C) They moved westward in large numbers to escape segregationist laws. In those conditions, political machinessuch as Tammany Hall, run by boss William Magear Tweed (182373) in New York City were able to build a loyal voter following, especially among immigrant groups, by performing such favours as providing jobs or housing. Which of the two political parties (Republicans or Democrats) is known as the Grand Old Party? The People's (Populist) Party emerged in the 1890s to champion the interests of farmers. Unlike Commissioner Parker, Chief Joseph supports the claim that American Indians: Which of the following is a similarity between Bodnar's and Ewen's arguments in the excerpts about immigrant families in the late 1800s? In 1876, nearly 82 percent of the voting-age population turned out for the presidential election. C) They backed political movements calling for limits on corporate power and government ownership of transportation. That required more money in the system, which had been limited to the amount of gold held in reserves. The excerpts above appeared in the platform of which of the following political parties? Convictions of some Tammany leaders of corruption and racketeering in the 1930s and 1940s completed the downfall. He eventually attracted the censure of reform-minded journalists and disgruntled competitors and was finally toppled by the joint efforts of the. Answer: C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism. His son, Washington Roebling, oversaw the completion of the bridge which was a technological feat in the 1880s. WebAPUSH history Term 1 / 25 City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following? Each of the following statements may (or may not) describe one of these technical terms. Answer: B). A) Immigrants were often enslaved as laborers in northern factories and mills. Most machines developed within major cities and were run by bosses who had influence over elected officials. B) The creation of the sharecropping system improved agricultural production. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. A) Railroads and communication systems spread primarily as a result of private investment, not government subsidies. Focused on moral improvement and exposing squalid tenement housing Answer: A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources. A) Bodnar argues that some immigrants embraced modern social values, whereas Ewen argues that most immigrants preserved traditional practices. C) The economic needs and social ambitions of young immigrants could be in conflict. A) Merchants mobilized politically to resist transportation expansion. ** Using production and geological data, the management of an oil company estimates that oil will be pumped from a field producing at a rate given by People Places Things D) Federal support to protect the voting rights of African Americans. a. They were marked down yesterday the equivalent of about$5.50 for each $1,000 face amount, to about 99.25, where their yield jumped to 9.45%. It was controversial because it was most Americans' first exposure to European Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art, and caused a modernist revolution in American art. The government regulation of social issues? Native born elites and middle-class reformers battling corrupt city govt machines Its perhaps not surprising that in this era of ineffective government, one of the most successful third-party movements in US history emerged. A. common sense B. global peace C. tax cuts D. improved morale. A brief attempt at regaining power in the 1950s was curtailed by a coalition of Democratic reformers led Eleanor Roosevelt who discredited the remaining Tammany leadership. Reforms gained national attention as "Wisconsin Idea", APUSH CH. The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments for many individuals who amassed great wealth during the period? The influence of Tammany did not wane until the 1930s, and the organization itself did not cease to exist until the 1960s. Which of the two was most likely to support the notion of states' rights? Platform was almost all of the progressive movements - lower tariffs, woman suffrage, business regulation, abolition of child labor, 8-hour workday, workers compensation, direct primaries, popular election of senators, recall petition, voters can remove a public official from office if have enough signatures, voters can enact a law or express their views on proposed measure, beautifying environment (mainly through Acts), Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, outlaw adulterated foods and drugs and required accurate ingredient labels; sanitary rules to meat packaging; hope is to regain public's confidence and support, controlled as part of urban beautification, improved, TR set of progressive policies, aimed to regulate big businesses, help organized labor, protect consumers, conserve nation's resources and environment, powerfully engage the federal government in reform; corporate order to stay, big businesses must be regulated in the public interest, welfare of workers, consumers safeguarded, and environment protected, his life was proof that US is a land of opportunity; "rags to riches"; entrepreneur who had risen through self-discipline and hard work; steelmaker; immigrated to US at young age; he was ambitious and hardworking; he worked 60-hr workday and night courses; became city's fastest telegraph operator; @ age 24, head of Pennsylvania railroad western division; combines new tech with cost analysis from RR experience first steelmaker to establish actual production cost of steel; cut costs and developed a basis for deciding when to invest in new furnaces and machinery, controlling all aspects of manufacturing (from raw material finished product), merging competing companies into one giant system (Rockefeller and oil companies), legal instrument that spells out the beneficiaries and what the money can be spent for, young Cleveland merchant, who gradually achieved dominance; resembled the opportunistic steelmaker; passion for cost cutting and efficiency; realized mass production enterprise could save 1000s of $$; aggressively forced out his competitors; by 1879, seized control of 90% of country's oil refining capacity, book by Upton Sinclair; graphically vividly described the foul conditions in meatpacking plants, and exploitation of immigrant workers; led to women's organization and consumer groups, public opinion on issue, Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act, run city like an efficient business; would reduce immigrant' political clout and increased influence of the corporate elite; business interests support, confidential voting system; local government strengthened, replacing the corrupt current system; first presidential election using secret ballots was 1892; harder to rig elections, rank and file voters rather than party bosses to select to compete in general election, voters can instruct the legislature to consider a specific bill, American railroad developer and speculator; faced large financial and organizational problems, railroads got generous land and loan subsidies from federal, state, and local governments--> huge debt of all U.S. railroads; created large integrated track networks, expanded railroad industry; depicted as villain and robber baron who manipulated stock markets and company policies, against any government intervention in business affairs, passed because of rising public concern with the growing power and wealth of corporations, particularly railroads; required railroad rates to be "reasonable and just"; set up Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)- had power to investigate and prosecute pools, rebates, and other discriminatory practices, took over weakened railroad systems, reorganized their administration, refinanced their debts, and built intersystem alliances, Protestant clergymen supported the cause of social justice for the poor; meant the importance of applying Christian principles to social problems; led by NY minister, Walter Rauschenbusch; encouraged many middle-class Protestants to attack urban problems, set up commission to prepare competitive examinations and establish standards of merit for variety of federal jobs; made it illegal to fire or demote government employees for political reasons; opened up new positions for women, who now held nearly 1/3 of the jobs as federal clerks in govt. 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